Parquet flooring

A wellness choice.

There are few types of flooring as exciting as parquet floors. The warmth, the scents and the beauty of these wooden coverings make it a timeless classic for its elegant look and the feelings it generates. But in addition to the aesthetic and emotional value, parquet floors offer those who choose them functional features of the highest level.

Parquet flooring parquet esempio di posa

What is parquet?

Not an easy question to answer. Parquet can be solid wood. That is planks of a single full-thickness wood (between 10 and 22 millimetres). Or it can be layered. That is composed of several layers: a visible one in so-called noble wood (oak, beech, maple, etc.) with a thickness of between 2.5 mm and 6 mm and a support in plywood or less valuable solid wood (spruce , pine, etc.).
Furthermore, the parquet can be pre-finished, that is already painted / oiled in the factory and then ready for laying or rough to be polished and painted on site.

The advantages of parquet floors

There are numerous advantages offered by parquet floors. The aesthetic and emotional aspects are certainly the most obvious. The wood they are made of creates a widespread sensation of warmth and well-being, which makes the space welcoming.
A sensation that presents itself as much to the sight as to the sense of smell, to the hearing and to the touch. In fact, you can walk barefoot on parquet floors. But this does not mean that they are not durable or resistant.
Parquet is an excellent thermal insulator which helps to maintain a healthy microclimate within the rooms.

Despite the need for special care and attention to be maintained, parquet floors guarantee good durability and moderate resistance to impact and stress. They also offer high performance in terms of thermal, acoustic and humidity protection. Features that make them a perfect choice for environments in which performance is to be combined with a high aesthetic level and luxury.

Do you want to buy a parquet floor?