Let the projects we have successfully concluded over the years speak for themselves.

Thanks to our experience we have been active for years in building sites of different types. These include hospitals, schools, cultural buildings such as theatres and auditoriums and public and private building projects. In this period, we have collected important documentation on the projects in which we have been involved, which we present here with the knowledge that our works know how to speak effectively about the commitment and quality we put into each of them.

References università trento 12 1

7 November 2019

Trento University

References uffici trento 3 1

7 November 2019

Trento offices

References sale operatorie trento 2 1

7 November 2019

Trento operating rooms

References palestra vicenza 2 1

7 November 2019

Vicenza gym

References palestra trento 20 1

7 November 2019

Trento gym

References ospedale trento 22 1

7 November 2019

Trento Hospital

References ospedale como 3 1

7 November 2019

Como Hospital

References negozio padova 1 1

7 November 2019

Negozio Padova

References centro benessere garda 6 2

7 November 2019

Garda wellness center

References scuola fondo 5 1

7 November 2019

Fondo School

References asilo trento 5 1

7 November 2019

Trento asylum

References teatro vicenza 8 1

7 November 2019

Vicenza Theater

References teatro udine 4 1

7 November 2019

Udine Theater

References palazzo consiliare udine 6 2

7 November 2019

Udine Council Building

References museo muse trento 1 1

7 November 2019

Muse Museum Trento

References biblioteca Trento 3 1

7 November 2019

Trento Library

References appartamento 3 1

7 November 2019

Private apartment Trento

References appartamento Bolzano 3 1

7 November 2019

Bolzano private apartment

References appartamento privato vicenza 8 2

7 November 2019

Vicenza private apartment

References appartamento privato treviso 4 1

7 November 2019

Treviso private apartment

References Scuola Verona 1 1

7 November 2019

School Verona

References Scuola rosa 2 1

7 November 2019

School Rosà

References scuola Bolzano 13 1

7 November 2019

School Bolzano

References asilo fontanefredde 5 1

6 November 2019

Asylum Fontanefredde

References asilo bolzano11 1

7 June 2019

Asylum Bolzano